- サンプル
- sample
- 実績
- decrease
- ポンプ
- increase
- 吐出
- function
- sales record
- 作動力
- japan
- スプリング
- 日本シェア
- 荷重
- シェア
- エアゾール
- share
- シリンダー
- customer
- ガスケット
- delivery time
- gasket
- 納期
- ラバー
- バルブ
- rubber
- product
- how long
High Viscosity Dispenser の略で、容器を含めた高粘度ポンプシステムを言います。弊社では、これをエアレスポンプと呼んで、底が上ってくる容器を使用して真空を利用したポンプシステムを完成させました。弊社が確認した範囲では、おおよそ粘性率は20,000cP(g/(cm・s)センチポイズ)までのかなりの高粘度まで使用可能と確認しております。原液の比重や他の要素によっても変わってきますので、ご計画商品の使用用途と原液をお送りください。弊社にてスペックを確認致しますので、お客様でのサンプル確認が可能です。
HVD stands for high viscosity dispenser, a pump system including the bottle for high viscosity contents. We call it “airless pump”, a pump system using a vacuum produced by lifting the bottom of the bottle. As far as we know, this pump can be used on contents with extremely high viscosity, up to about 20,000 cP(g/(cm.s)). However, it does depend on the specific gravity and other factors of the contents as well. Please send us a sample of your contents and let us know the purpose of use. We will carry out compatibility tests and inform you of the results.
一般的には原液(内容液)によってポンプを使い分けることは無く、ご使用用途(霧で噴霧したいのか、乳液で出したいのかなど)によって使い分けられます。しかし、ポンプを構成する部品(樹脂等)に適さない成分が含まれている場合が有りますので、PP、PE、 POM、ゴムやスプリングなどを侵す、又は膨潤する原液の場合は、必ずご確認を御願い致します。
Generally speaking, you do not have to change the pump depending on the type of the contents; it depends on the purpose of use (spraying a mist or discharging an emulsion). However, the contents may include a substance which are incompatible with some parts (such as resin) of the pump. Please feel free to consult our sales representatives, We will carry out compatibility tests for your products.
We put the contents in a bottle and pump the bottle 10 times consecutively to measure the average spraying/discharging amount. This average is the spraying/discharging amount we usually quote. In our internal performance test, we use water to measure this spraying/discharging amount.
What are the essential factors to determine the specifications of the pump?
The basic factors are 1) the characteristics of the contents and 2) how to discharge the contents (spraying as a mist or discharge as an emulsion), and 3) the spraying amount (per pumping). The presence or absence of a bottle on your side affects the size of the screw. Additionally, the spraying patter is also a necessary factor. The design and the color of the pump are important to attract consumers. Please send us a sample and we will check and propose the best product for you.
To prevent clogging, we recommend that you use a cover on the nozzle to avoid contact with air, or a structure that draws the remaining contents into the pump after discharging.
Please send us a sample of your contents. Our technical staff will check the contents and suggest the best idea.
As far as we know, our products can be used on contents with extremely high viscosity, up to about 20,000 cP(g/(cm.s)poise). However, it does depend on the specific gravity and other factors of the contents as well. Please send us a sample of your contents and let us know the purpose of use. We will carry out compatibility tests and inform you of the results.
It is very important to put the contents in a bottle and carry out the test in a practical manner.

We are very happy to carry out the test and choose the pump for you. Please inform whether you would like the contents to be discharged as a mist or an emulsion, and the discharging amount per pumping. We will check the spray load of various pumps and inform you of our proposed pump. We will also send you a sample pump. You can change the pump to best fit your customers. We believe that your product is improved by checking the sample on both ends, you and Mitani.
The direct injection system is used for emulsion and shampoo products to discharge the contents with static pressure. It is also called the “drop type”. This system is used to discharge various emulsion and high viscosity contents.
The accumulator injection system gives pressure to the contents and a valve is opened for discharging when the pressure reaches a certain level. Since the pressure is applied to the contents, it is appropriate for a mist-type product. Therefore, it is also called the “mist type”. This system is used for air sprays such as perfume and hair sprays.
The mist pump and the emulsion pump basically have the same discharging mechanism and inner structure. The nozzle section is different. In a mist pump, the pipe of the pump is narrow to allow the increase of pressure and to avoid dripping after spraying. If your product is meant to spray a fine mist, we provide an accumulator injection pump. In an emulsion pump, the pipe of the valve is wider to discharge high viscosity contents smoothly which allows the contents to be pushed at a constant rate from the initial push.
Two interpretations are possible when you say “works softly with light finger load”; one is that the pushing load of the pump is light; and the other is that pump action is soft and smooth.
If you would like to lighten the pushing load, it requires low inner pressure and proper adjustment of the spring. In addition to the spring load, the following factors affect the pushing load; viscosity of the contents, sliding resistance of the piston valve, the internal diameter of the cylinder, and flow resistance of the nozzle (nozzle caliber). The spring load is determined depending on the viscosity of the contents. Please let us know what level of pushing load you prefer. We provide various products with different internal diameters of cylinders, different diameters of nozzle caliber, and different springs.
When soft and smooth action is required, uneven surface and unbalanced pushing load must be avoided. When the contents include alcohol, the sliding resistance of the piston valve may increase.
We are ready to discuss with you in a frank manner and propose an idea in order to make a product which is fully in touch with your customers’ sensibilities. Please consult our sales representatives.
As the pump works under the same mechanism as a syringe, finer mist can be produced by increasing the inner pressure or changing the nozzle type. Depending on the viscosity of the contents, there are limitations to the inner pressure.
Additionally, when increasing the pressure in the tank within the pump, the spray load increases (in this case, consumers usually feel heavy action) and the tank wall has to be thicker. This is why there are limitations to the increase of the inner pressure.
Generally, finer mist is made by changing the nozzle type without increasing the inner pressure too much. We have various nozzles and you can evaluate our nozzles by yourself whether they make mist fine enough for you. Please let us know the details of your planned product and required spray particle size. We will suggest a solution.
In pumping, the pressure of the contents increases. There is a spiral groove in the inner mechanism of the nozzle that works as a screw. The pressurized content is rotated by this screw and when the content passes through the jet nozzle, this pressure makes the content misty. This mechanism is the same as that of a water sprinkler in a garden.
The mechanism of the pump to discharge the contents is the same as that of a syringe. The contents in a bottle is collected through the pipe and sent to a tank. The contents in the tank is pushed again to be discharged (or sprayed).
一般(全般、会社内容等)について/General questions (general issues, company profile, and others)
The long history of our good sales record attributes to kind assistance and support from our customers. In Japan, Mitani has a 50% share in the valve market and a 20% share in the pump market.
Our delivery time of standard products is basically 1 month. Depending on the type of products, we make efforts to deliver valves in 2 weeks and pumps and accessories in 1 month. If your product requires a newly-developed valve or pump, please consult our sales representatives.
Please let us know the exact product you would like to use. We will check the specifications and let you know whether we can provide a product with the same specifications as soon as possible. If possible, we will give you a sample.
We are ready to develop a product meeting your own needs. However, we may not be able to provide the same product due to the patent and design infringement problems. Please contact our sales representatives. We will inform you whether we can provide the product you want or not.
If you already know that Product B of Company A is definitely a Mitani’s product, we can give you an answer immediately. If you are not sure whether a Mitani’s product is used in Product B, we will check and inform you. If Product B was jointly developed with Company A for a special purpose, we can quickly give you an answer. However, if Product B is one of our standard products, it may take some time to respond to your inquiry.
Should we find out that Product B is not by Mitani, we will inform you whether we can provide a similar product or not as soon as possible.
弊社には、一般販売を目的とした汎用製品と、お客様と特定の商品として共同で開発し、お約束(独占契約等)で専用とした製品があります。 A社様が発売されているC商品に採用されている弊社製品が、汎用製品であればいつでも可能です。この弊社製品がA社様の専用製品の場合には残念ながらご要望にはお応え出来ません。
We have standard products which can be sold to any customers, and special products which are jointly developed with a customer for specific use under an agreement (exclusive products). If Product C is one of our standard products, we can provide you with it any time you want. If Product C is an exclusive product for Company A, however, we cannot provide the same product. In this case, we can change , for example, the design or a function of an exclusive product and provide it to you for your own products. Please consult our sales representatives. We will suggest a solution.
Please ask our sales representatives what product sample you would like to have. We will provide it in 3 to 5 days. If you need many samples, please consult us. In order to provide the best sample for your product and purpose, our sales representatives will contact and ask you detailed questions.
Factors affecting and determining the spray load of aerosol cans include the strength of the spring (spring load), hardness of the stem rubber, and inner pressure of the aerosol can. As it is difficult to change the hardness of the stem rubber and the inner pressure, the spray load is changed by adjusting the spring load. We have various springs with different loads for our standard valves. However, the spring load cannot be changed in some products depending on the type of valves or products. We also have trigger type products with a hinge which has a smaller spray load. Factors affecting the spray load of pump products include the spring load, viscosity and sliding resistance of the content, the internal diameter of the cylinder, and the flow resistance of the jet nozzle (internal diameter). We may change the above factors and prepare a product your consumers prefer. Please consult our sales representatives. We will offer you the most appropriate specifications for your product.
The change of the function load automatically leads to a change of the spray load for pump products. Although it is basically possible, there are limitations due to the viscosity of the contents. As it depends on the purpose of use of our product, please consult our sales representatives. We will offer you the most appropriate specifications for your product.
You can find the product name by Visiting our web site and checking the “Products” page where a product list is available. Please let us know if you have already found an already-marketed product that can be used as a reference to your planned product. If you know a product that can be used as a reference but is used for the purpose different from yours, we will check it and offer you the most appropriate specifications. Please contact us and receive Mitani’s product brochure. Our sales representatives are ready to visit you to explain our products any time.
A capillary dip tube is a pipe with a small internal diameter which has a higher flow resistance and smaller unobstructed capacity than the standard pipes. These characteristics of capillary dip tubes can be taken advantage of by using them for the following purposes:
- 一般的に噴射量を少なく調整したいときはハウジングの下穴を小さくしますが、パウダー(固体微粉末)処方などの詰り易い内容物では穴径をあまり小さくできません。このような場合、キャピラリーパイプを使用すると流量抵抗が大きいのでハウジングの下穴を小さくしなくとも噴射量を少なく調整することができます。
When decreasing the spray amount, we usually narrow a lower hole in a housing. However if the valve/pump is easily clogged with the contents because they include powder (solid fine powder), we have to maintain a certain internal diameter for the pipe. In such a case, using a capillary pipe causes a higher flow resistance so that we can decrease the spray amount without narrowing the lower hole of the housing. - ヘアフォーム(泡沫)などでは、ご使用前にまず缶を振り原液とガスを混ぜて使用しますが、パイプの中までなかなか混ざり合わないためにフォームにならないまま吐出されることがあります。キャピラリーパイプを使用するとこのフォームにならない現象を最小限とすることができます。
For foam-type products such as hair mousse, it is usually necessary to shake the can before application to mix the contents and the propellant. However the contents in the pipe may be mixed insufficiently and discharged in a non-foaming form. The capillary dip tube minimizes such phenomenon.
TSW has some limitations for its use depending on the manufacturing process of an aerosol product and how it is fixed in a can. We recommend 27.15 mm +/- 0.05 of clinch width, 4.75 +/- 0.05 mm of clinch depth, and an 8-collet type.
弊社の多くの製品は、既に医薬品用途にもご採用いただいております。使用量を制限したい医薬品には定量バルブ(定量スプレー=Metering Sprayとも呼ばれます)が非常に適しています。実績に基づいた製品仕様をご提案することが可能です。お客様自身で「薬事法」に基づく諸条件に従い必要な確認試験及び評価をお願いします。
Many of our products have already been adopted for phamaceutical products. For drugs with limited dose amount, a metering valve (also called as “metering spray”) is the best choice. We can offer appropriate specifications based on our experiences. Please complete required tests and evaluation process on your own in accordance with rules and standards set under the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law.
In aerosol products, a propellant is used to dissolve and discharge the contents, and certain types of propellants are liquified by compression. Such liquified propellants are called as liquified gas. Therefore, the contents in a can are under pressure due to the pressure of this propellant. In a can, gas is divided into two phases; the liquid phase which consists of evenly dissolved contents and liquified gas; and the vapor phase which consists of vaporized propellant. What exists in the vapor phase in the form of gas is called vaporized gas.
Aerosol products can be classified into two categories depending on the physical characteristics of gas used as the propellant.
In liquefied gas type products, compressed and liquefied gas is used as the propellant, and in compressed gas type products, compressed and high pressure gas is used as the propellant. Liquefied gas includes LPG and DME, and compressed gas includes nitrogen gas and carbon dioxide.
As carbon dioxide has the characteristic to dissolve in liquid contents, using carbon dioxide gas as a propellant shows a characteristic similar to that of liquefied gas.
Presently, we can provide valve accessories (the nozzle part attached to the valve, usually called actuators) which can be detached and sorted before disposal. It is possible to select various parts made of different materials which best fit your product and its purpose according to your request. Please consult our sales representatives.
We provide two types of products
- エアゾール商品(ヘアスプレーや殺虫剤、カセットボンベなど)の缶から内容物を取り出すエアゾールバルブ(Aerosol Valve)と呼ばれる部分、及びそれに付属する噴射ボタンやキャップなど外装品(Actuatorと呼ばれるバルブ本体に取付ける放出部分)
Aerosol valves for the purpose of discharging the contents of aerosol cans (for hair sprays and insecticide sprays, for example) and valve accessories (usually called “actuators”) such as valve actuators and caps. - 化粧品、雑貨等に使用されている内容液を霧状、乳液状に噴霧または吐出するスプレイヤーポンプおよびディスペンサーポンプ
Dispenser pumps (for shampoo and conditioner) and trigger pumps (for house cleaning detergents) for the purpose of discharging the contents by pulling a lever.
- お客様の様々なご使用用途に対応できるように製品の種類を取り揃えております。詳しいカタログを用意しております。当ホームページからお申し込みください。
We offer various products to meet customer’s individual needs. Please contact us through our website for copies of our product brochure.
Mitani has a filling equipment for in-house evaluation. If you would like to fill your prototype product into an aerosol can for testing purposes, we can do it upon request. If a filling process is required for the purpose of mass-production, we will introduce a filling company.
バルブについて/On valves
The upright/inverted valves allow cans to be sprayed both in an upright or upside down position.
The type YP valve allows cans to be sprayed when the cans are in an upright or tilted position.
The type OP valve allows cans to be sprayed when the cans are in an upright, tilted, or upside down position.
We may change the ratio of the vapor tap size and the lower orifice size for the purpose of adjusting a spraying feature. We also have various housings. We believe that, in many cases, you can find the appropriate one among them. However, if you have special specifications, we will make a tailor-made product. Please consult our sales representatives for more detailed information.
アウターに使用されているガスケット(これはリングガスケットとも呼ばれます)は、原液(内容液)に対する耐性が重要な要因となりますので、使用用途によって使い分ける仕様となっています。ステムラバー(インナーガスケットInner gasket)にAやBのラバーがあります。これらのラバーは原液によって使い分けます。また、シール性を考慮して各種グレードのラバーがあります。A, Bラバーとは、ラバーのグレードを表す弊社での名称です。原液(内容液)の物理特性は、企業(商品)秘密となるものが多数で、明らかにすることは嫌われます。弊社では、ご計画商品をお聞きして(秘密は厳守します)、いろいろな種類のゴムの材質と適正範囲を考慮して、どのラバーを使うか製品仕様をご提案させていただいております。
As tolerance for the contents is one of the most important features of gaskets (also called “ring gaskets”) used in the outer part, the type of gasket is chosen depending on the purpose of use. There are rubber A and rubber B in the stem rubber (inner gasket). These rubbers should be properly used depending on the type of content. There are also rubbers with various grades that have different sealing effects. Rubber A and rubber B are the names of the rubbers used in Mitani products describing a different grade. The physical characteristics of the contents are often trade secrets and companies do not like to disclose them. Mitani will offer appropriate specifications including the type of rubber after receiving information on your planned product (we promise confidentiality) and taking into consideration the characteristics and appropriate range of various rubbers.
We may change the ratio of the vapor tap size and the lower orifice size for the purpose of adjusting a spraying feature. We also have various housings. We believe that, in many cases, you can find the appropriate one among them. However, if you have special specifications, we will make a tailor-made product. Please consult our sales representatives for more detailed information.
この横穴はベーパータップ(Vapour Tap)と言います。噴射剤(ガス)が蒸気となった気相部と液化している内容液(液相部)をハウジング内で一緒に混合させ、スプレー噴射の霧を細かくする為にあります。噴射量や、噴射パターン等々に変化を与えるものです。以前は、噴射時の調整(フレーム試験と呼ばれる火源へ噴射し炎の様子を見る試験での炎の調整)の為に持ちいられることが多くありましたが、より微細な霧を作り、塗布した時の冷感を軽減させ、噴射量を抑制させるために設けられています。
This orifice on the side is called a “vapor tap” that is put for the purpose of mixing the vapor phase consisting of vaporized propellant (gas) and the liquid phase consisting of liquefied contents in the housing, forming fine mist. It has an effect on the spray amount and the spray pattern. Previously, this orifice was often used to adjust spray action (called “flame testing”, where the contents are sprayed toward fire to check the flames). However, currently, this orifice is used to make finer mist, decreasing the cold feeling when it reaches the surface, and also to reduce the spray amount.
Whether a valve is the inner set pipe type or the outer set pipe type depends on the type of pipe (also called “dip tubes”).
General pipes are usually the outer set type, and all the capillary pipes are the inner set type. The pipe set type sometimes cannot be changed depending on the type of housing. However, we can change the outer set type to the inner set type if the outer set type housing has the same diameter as that of the inner set type.
Please let us know the purpose of use of your product and the name of an already-marketed product which can be used as a reference to your planned product if one exist. We will suggest appropriate specifications and send you the best sample. Please visit our website and use the “Contact Us” form, or contact one of our sales representatives.
We are very happy to carry out tests and choose the valve for you. Please contact us in advance and send us about 1 litter of the sample for a (3-month) stability test and inform you of our proposed valve. It would be of great help if you let us know the characteristics of the gas (the propellant, the ratio of the contents to the propellant) you plan to use when you send us the sample.
Mitani has been a specialty company for developing and manufacturing aerosol valves for nearly 50 years. Our experience accumulated over the years enables us to suggest the most appropriate valve specifications for your product until you find the best valve based on the data that we have accumulated. The basic specifications are determined by the purpose of use, content, and expected spray amount of the product. As the contents of aerosol products vary, we need to carry out a compatibility test of your contents and valve parts with you. We can help and support you until your product is successfully launched into the market. We promise confidentiality.
Aerosol products are classified by spraying patterns: air sprays such as insecticide and deodorant sprays discharge the contents into the air and need fine mist; surface sprays such as hair sprays, paint sprays, and cleaners discharge the contents on a surface; foaming sprays such as shaving sprays and hair mousses discharge the contents in a foamy form; powder sprays discharge solid fine powder; and paste spray discharges high viscosity gel and paste. We can handle various types of contents. Please consult our sales representatives.
The spray load is adjusted by changing the spring load. At Mitani, we have various types of springs for standard products which have different spring loads under a sealed condition as well as different stroke loads in a condition where the valve is opened by a push-down action.
Sometimes, you need a structure that functions under a light load as well as under a heavy load in the same type of valve and product. In this case, actuators such as actuators are changed for the purpose of decreasing the spray load. A trigger actuator with a hinge is one option.
If you let us know the purpose of use, we will suggest the most appropriate specifications of valves and actuators.
Standard valves are general valves, also called push-down valves. When a stem is pushed down (i.e. a actuator is pushed), an orifice located in the stem moves down to a part sealed by a stem rubber, and the contents are discharged. Tilt valves are designed to discharge the contents by a tilt action of the actuator which means that the stem is tilted to move the actuator horizontally. A sealed side of the stem rubber is shaped like a mortar to discharge the contents even if the can is tilted on a side where an orifice is not located. One of the features of the tilt valve is to open/close the valve with a smaller action. Semi-tilt valves are categorized as push-down valves. A sealed side of the stem is shaped like a mortar similar to that of the tilt valve which means that the transition zone between full open and full close is smaller and, therefore, it functions quickly with a smaller action.
We have standard products which can be sold to any customers, and special products which are jointly developed with a customer for specific use under an agreement (exclusive or patented products). If Product C marketed by Company A uses one of our standard products, we can provide you with the product any time. If Product C is an exclusive/patented product for Company A, however, we cannot give you the service.
In this case, we can change, for example, the design or a function of an exclusive/patented product and provide it to you for your own products. Please consult our sales representatives. They will suggest a solution.
You probably mean only accessories, not the total valve system. If so, we are very happy to provide you with only accessories. Our designer will make a proposal which could enhance your design. As we want to avoid any leak or problem, please inform us of the external diameter of the stem and the actuator design of your planned product.
In powder aerosol products that discharge solid fine powder, a narrow orifice could make the jet nozzle clog due to accumulated powder although this does depend on the quality of the powder. In this case, it is better to have an orifice as wide as possible. We have a powder jet nozzle as one of our standard products. In powdery products, the actuator should be selected from a comprehensive viewpoint by checking not only the jet nozzle orifice but also the valve specifications. Since which valve actuator should be used in powdery products largely depends on the type of content, the final decision is made after results from compatibility tests. Please let us know the details of your planned product. We will suggest the most appropriate specifications of the valve and the actuator.
Aerosol products can be classified into two categories depending on the physical characteristics of gas used as the propellant.
In liquefied gas type products, compressed and liquefied gas is used as the propellant, and in compressed gas type products, compressed and high pressure gas is used as the propellant.
In the compressed gas type products (its contents are usually liquid), we cannot use a side orifice (vapor tap) to mix the vapor phase with the contents within the housing to make finer mist as we do in the liquefied gas type products where liquefied gas is dissolved in the contents. Although standard actuators can make mist, using this actuator enables to discharge finer mist in an wider area evenly. The tissot actuator can be used on both the liquefied gas type and the compressed gas type products. We also call it a “double mechanical break-up actuator”.
The top portion of foam-type aerosol cans (actuators) are called “spouts”. The detachable (easy separate) spout was developed to decrease industrial wastes so that sorting out of plastic parts of used aerosol cans can easily be carried out before disposal. This spout has a mechanism to easily detach the actuator from the can. If you plan an environmental-friendly product, please consider the use of this spout.
This screw is to give a rapid rotatory characteristic to the contents near the jet nozzle and thus make fine mist. This screw makes spray particles smaller when the contents are discharged from the jet nozzle. Although standard actuators can make mist, rotating the particles makes finer mist.
ハウジングの横穴(ベーパータップVapour Tapと言います)の変更やボタンノズルの穴径を絞ったり、ボタンチップのスクリュー幅を小さくするなどの方法があります。最も細かい霧をご希望の場合には、チソットボタンもご用意しております。
There are several ways to make finer mist that is sprayed more softly — changing the size of the side orifice of the housing (“vapor tap”); reducing the diameter of the actuator nozzle; reducing the screw width on the tip of the valve actuator. If you would like to have the finest mist, we also have a double mechanical break-up actuator (also called a “tissot actuator”).
We will suggest an appropriate valve system and actuator that best fit the spray particle size of your product.
メカニカルブレークアップ(Mechanical break up)を略してメカブレと呼んでいます。噴口付近で内容液に旋回力を与えて噴口から噴射させることで噴霧粒子を微細化するための機構です。細かいキリ噴霧(これをファインミストと言います)にすることを目的としたボタンです。ご計画商品に求める霧の細かさに合ったボタンをご提案いたします。
This actuator makes fine mist by giving a rapid rotatory characteristic to the contents near the jet nozzle before spraying. The purpose of this actuator is to make fine mist. We will suggest the actuator which is best for your required spray particle size.