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High Viscosity Dispenser の略で、容器を含めた高粘度ポンプシステムを言います。弊社では、これをエアレスポンプと呼んで、底が上ってくる容器を使用して真空を利用したポンプシステムを完成させました。弊社が確認した範囲では、おおよそ粘性率は20,000cP(g/(cm・s)センチポイズ)までのかなりの高粘度まで使用可能と確認しております。原液の比重や他の要素によっても変わってきますので、ご計画商品の使用用途と原液をお送りください。弊社にてスペックを確認致しますので、お客様でのサンプル確認が可能です。
HVD stands for high viscosity dispenser, a pump system including the bottle for high viscosity contents. We call it “airless pump”, a pump system using a vacuum produced by lifting the bottom of the bottle. As far as we know, this pump can be used on contents with extremely high viscosity, up to about 20,000 cP(g/(cm.s)). However, it does depend on the specific gravity and other factors of the contents as well. Please send us a sample of your contents and let us know the purpose of use. We will carry out compatibility tests and inform you of the results.
一般的には原液(内容液)によってポンプを使い分けることは無く、ご使用用途(霧で噴霧したいのか、乳液で出したいのかなど)によって使い分けられます。しかし、ポンプを構成する部品(樹脂等)に適さない成分が含まれている場合が有りますので、PP、PE、 POM、ゴムやスプリングなどを侵す、又は膨潤する原液の場合は、必ずご確認を御願い致します。
Generally speaking, you do not have to change the pump depending on the type of the contents; it depends on the purpose of use (spraying a mist or discharging an emulsion). However, the contents may include a substance which are incompatible with some parts (such as resin) of the pump. Please feel free to consult our sales representatives, We will carry out compatibility tests for your products.
We put the contents in a bottle and pump the bottle 10 times consecutively to measure the average spraying/discharging amount. This average is the spraying/discharging amount we usually quote. In our internal performance test, we use water to measure this spraying/discharging amount.
What are the essential factors to determine the specifications of the pump?
The basic factors are 1) the characteristics of the contents and 2) how to discharge the contents (spraying as a mist or discharge as an emulsion), and 3) the spraying amount (per pumping). The presence or absence of a bottle on your side affects the size of the screw. Additionally, the spraying patter is also a necessary factor. The design and the color of the pump are important to attract consumers. Please send us a sample and we will check and propose the best product for you.
To prevent clogging, we recommend that you use a cover on the nozzle to avoid contact with air, or a structure that draws the remaining contents into the pump after discharging.
Please send us a sample of your contents. Our technical staff will check the contents and suggest the best idea.
As far as we know, our products can be used on contents with extremely high viscosity, up to about 20,000 cP(g/(cm.s)poise). However, it does depend on the specific gravity and other factors of the contents as well. Please send us a sample of your contents and let us know the purpose of use. We will carry out compatibility tests and inform you of the results.
It is very important to put the contents in a bottle and carry out the test in a practical manner.

We are very happy to carry out the test and choose the pump for you. Please inform whether you would like the contents to be discharged as a mist or an emulsion, and the discharging amount per pumping. We will check the spray load of various pumps and inform you of our proposed pump. We will also send you a sample pump. You can change the pump to best fit your customers. We believe that your product is improved by checking the sample on both ends, you and Mitani.
The direct injection system is used for emulsion and shampoo products to discharge the contents with static pressure. It is also called the “drop type”. This system is used to discharge various emulsion and high viscosity contents.
The accumulator injection system gives pressure to the contents and a valve is opened for discharging when the pressure reaches a certain level. Since the pressure is applied to the contents, it is appropriate for a mist-type product. Therefore, it is also called the “mist type”. This system is used for air sprays such as perfume and hair sprays.
The mist pump and the emulsion pump basically have the same discharging mechanism and inner structure. The nozzle section is different. In a mist pump, the pipe of the pump is narrow to allow the increase of pressure and to avoid dripping after spraying. If your product is meant to spray a fine mist, we provide an accumulator injection pump. In an emulsion pump, the pipe of the valve is wider to discharge high viscosity contents smoothly which allows the contents to be pushed at a constant rate from the initial push.
Two interpretations are possible when you say “works softly with light finger load”; one is that the pushing load of the pump is light; and the other is that pump action is soft and smooth.
If you would like to lighten the pushing load, it requires low inner pressure and proper adjustment of the spring. In addition to the spring load, the following factors affect the pushing load; viscosity of the contents, sliding resistance of the piston valve, the internal diameter of the cylinder, and flow resistance of the nozzle (nozzle caliber). The spring load is determined depending on the viscosity of the contents. Please let us know what level of pushing load you prefer. We provide various products with different internal diameters of cylinders, different diameters of nozzle caliber, and different springs.
When soft and smooth action is required, uneven surface and unbalanced pushing load must be avoided. When the contents include alcohol, the sliding resistance of the piston valve may increase.
We are ready to discuss with you in a frank manner and propose an idea in order to make a product which is fully in touch with your customers’ sensibilities. Please consult our sales representatives.
As the pump works under the same mechanism as a syringe, finer mist can be produced by increasing the inner pressure or changing the nozzle type. Depending on the viscosity of the contents, there are limitations to the inner pressure.
Additionally, when increasing the pressure in the tank within the pump, the spray load increases (in this case, consumers usually feel heavy action) and the tank wall has to be thicker. This is why there are limitations to the increase of the inner pressure.
Generally, finer mist is made by changing the nozzle type without increasing the inner pressure too much. We have various nozzles and you can evaluate our nozzles by yourself whether they make mist fine enough for you. Please let us know the details of your planned product and required spray particle size. We will suggest a solution.
In pumping, the pressure of the contents increases. There is a spiral groove in the inner mechanism of the nozzle that works as a screw. The pressurized content is rotated by this screw and when the content passes through the jet nozzle, this pressure makes the content misty. This mechanism is the same as that of a water sprinkler in a garden.
The mechanism of the pump to discharge the contents is the same as that of a syringe. The contents in a bottle is collected through the pipe and sent to a tank. The contents in the tank is pushed again to be discharged (or sprayed).