ディスペンサーポンプ Pumps 21 COLORSに汎用性の高い新色9色を追加しましたNine new colors are available for MITANI Pumps 21 COLORS. 2020.05.17
ポンプの仕様を決めるのに必要な項目は何ですか?What are the essential factors to determine the specifications of the pump? 2020.12.08
ノズルの先端が内容液で固まってしまいます。これを防ぐ方法はないですか?The tip of the nozzle is clogged with the contents. Are there methods to prevent this clogging? 2020.12.08
粘度の高い溶液を考えていますが、粘度に上限はありますか?Our planned product has high viscosity. Do you have any limitations on the level of viscosity of the contents? 2020.12.08
使用する溶液を送りますので、ポンプのテストをお願いできますか?Do you carry out tests to chose the appropriate pump if we send a sample of the contents to Mitani? 2020.12.08
直圧式、蓄圧式の違いと用途を教えてくださいPlease explain the difference between the direct injection system and the accumulator injection system. 2020.12.08
霧で出るポンプと乳液を出すポンプの違いは何ですか?What is the difference between the pump spraying a mist and the one discharging an emulsion? 2020.12.08