酸化を防いでずっと新鮮& 衛生的


食品対応スプレー エアゾールバルブの登場です。
Introducing a food-friendly spray aerosol valve.
I started a delicious aerosol. Introducing a food-friendly spray aerosol valve.Introducing a completely new seasoning spray container. An aerosol valve that applies a thin and even liquid with a spray mist that keeps spraying when pressed like cosmetics and skin care products. We have developed an aerosol spray for food products while maintaining its characteristics.
An aerosol spray with unprecedented cooking possibilities, such as seasoning decoration after serving with mist or straight drop spray, and mist spray during cooking.

Food aerosol packaging system
エアゾールバルブ国内トップシェアの三谷バルブから新しい提案です。可燃性L P ガスを使用しないエアゾールシステムを食品用に技術転換させ、新しい食品包材として開発致しました。B O V ( B a g O n V a l v e )というボトル内に内袋を設けた二重容器により噴射ガスと内用液を混合させる事なく液体の連続スプレー噴射が可能です。
Aerosol valve This is a new proposal from Mitani valve, which has the top share in Japan. We have changed the technology of the aerosol system that does not use flammable LP gas for food products and developed it as a new food packaging material. BOV (Bag On Valve), a double container with an inner bag inside the bottle, enables continuous spray injection of liquid without mixing the injection gas and the internal liquid.Since the high airtightness that is a characteristic of aerosols remains the same, it prevents oxidation and deterioration of the internal liquid and allows spraying evenly.

Selectable bottle and spray type
噴射ボタンは広範囲に噴射が可能なミストスプレータイプや真っすぐに飛ぶストレートタイプなど内用液にあわせて汎用パーツからお選び頂けます。 また特殊な原液やオリジナル外装品をお求めなら受注生産にてオリジナルデザインのキャップやボタンなども可能。 長年エアゾール業界のパイオニアとして培ったミタニバルブのノウハウで共同開発もお受けいたします。
※PET ボトル・クリアパウチ仕様はトライアルプロダクトになります。
Buttons can be selected from general-purpose parts such as mist spray type and straight type that can be sprayed over a wide range according to the internal liquid. If you are looking for a special undiluted solution or original exterior parts, we will make to order.
Originally designed caps and buttons are also available at. We also accept joint development with the know-how of Mitani valve cultivated as a pioneer in the aerosol industry for many years.
※PET bottle / clear pouch specifications are trial products.
Please contact us.

Safe and secure functions and domestic production
エアゾールは通常 LP ガスを使用してますが、便利な反面あやまった使い方での可燃性ガスによる爆発事故が懸念されます。食品対応のバック オン バルブ方式では不可燃性の圧縮窒素ガスを使用。廃棄や輸送時でも爆発事故を起こしません。バルブ部品の生産は安心のメイドインジャパン。茨城県にある自社工場では食品安全管理を実践するためのマネジメントシステム規格 FSSC22000 も取得。医薬部外品製品のエアゾールバルブ生産も行う工場で厳しい生産管理のもとから製造出荷致します。
Aerosol usually uses LP gas, but while it is convenient, there is a concern that an explosion may occur due to flammable gas if it is used improperly. The back-on valve system for food uses nonflammable compressed nitrogen gas. Does not cause an explosion accident even during disposal or transportation.The production of valve parts is made in Japan with peace of mind. Our own factory in Ibaraki Prefecture has also acquired the management system standard FSSC22000 for practicing food safety management. We manufacture and ship products under strict production control at a factory that also produces aerosol valves for quasi-drug products.
おいしいエアゾール 【家庭・レストラン編】
おいしいエアゾール 【アウトドア編】