MITANI launches
new one-hand foaming pump!
Material | ポンプ材質
Bottle screw diameter for φ24.0mm
Output volume | 吐出量
1.0ml Z-1000-F001 / 0.7ml Z-700-F
0.5ml Z-500-F
What comes to your mind when you hear “foaming pumps”?
You probably imagine hand soap.
Due to the spread of Covid-19, handwashing is more important than ever before, and the demand for foam hand soap will still continue to grow.
Today, foaming pumps are not only used for hand soap, but also for skin care products such as face wash and cleanser, body wash, shampoo and even toothpaste.
Most such foaming pumps are used with large bottle. MITANI has developed an easy-to-use handy foaming pump. It can be used for various purposes such as facial soap and hand soap.

ハンディタイプ | Handy pump

This foaming pump can be used while holding it in your hands. So, you can put the foam on your hands without spilling it. It’s also easy to get the foam out to the hands of children who can’t push the pump alone yet.
For everyone in the family
MITANI’s foaming pump is light enough to push with one finger. It is easy for children, women and infirm people to wash their hands alone.
ミタニオリジナル | MITANI Original
泡ポンプの中には、液体を入れすぎると泡が出てこなくなったり、水っぽい泡になる場合がありませんか?ミタニの泡ポンプはオリジナルの機構により、ボトルのぎりぎりまで液体を入れても安定した泡を吐出できます。通常の泡ポンプでは詰替え/ 補充時ボトル内に攪拌用空気層を設ける必要がありましたが、ミタニの泡ポンプは、どんな入れ方をしても安定した泡を吐出できるミタニだけの機構です。
Too much liquid in the bottle can cause foam to stop dispensing and become watery. MITANI’s foam pumps have an original mechanism that dispenses stable foam even when the bottle is filled to the very limit. While standard foam pumps require a mixing air layer inside the bottle when refilling, MITANI’s original foam pumps never require it.

Japanese quality | ミタニ高品質製品

We want users to use products of reliable quality because they are used for washing and cleansing the skin. MITANI’s dispenser pumps are manufactured at the MITANI Fukushima Plant in Shirakawa City, Fukushima Prefecture. Thorough hygiene control and production control ensure safety of use.
1/MITANI 品質管理課編
世界4ヵ国、12拠点にあるミタニグループ 総従業員800名の中から1人にフォーカスをあてた物語です
The Mitani Group is in four countries,with 12 bases and 800 workers.
Design | デザイン

※スタンダードカラーは白/ 黒/ 乳白での販売。調色加飾により納期が変動する場合もございます。ご了承ください。
The slim and simple design allows you to place it in any location without spoiling the atmosphere. You can choose the bottle and arrange the color and decoration of the pump.
We can also accept orders for customer-specific colors by mixing colors. Closure caps can be hot-stamped or screen-printed, and various decorations are available for higher-end products.
*Standard colors are available in white, black and milky white. Please note that the delivery time may vary depending on the color mixing and decoration.

ミタニの新しいハンディタイプの泡ポンプは直径φ43.0 ㎜のスリムタイプネジキャップにより従来のドロップタイプポンプと同様の使い心地でスキンケアから除菌製品まで様々な暮らしのシーンで幅広くご使用いただけます。また日本市場では汎用性の高いφ24.0 ㎜ネジ口のボトルに対応していますので様々なボトルに装着が可能です。
MITANI’s new handy foaming pump has a slim closure cap with a diameter of 43.0 mm and can be used in many different situations from skin care products to sanitizing products, with the same comfortable feel as a conventional drop-type pump. For the Japanese market, this foaming pump is designed for the commonly used 24.0 mm diameter bottle neck.

Make aerosol products more freely.
より極め細やかな泡| CRAiN series
You can use it for wide range of application like facial care, body care and so on which make very fine foam which dispenser pump products can’t make.
We have come up with a brand new packaging design.
We present “CRAiN”series in to our lineup which have adopted the waterproof type spouts of Z-1000-C series dispenser pumps for the aerosol foaming products. As a maker of Aerosol valves and dispenser pump for many years,
Mitani have combined its technology to develop a new packaging design.
You can use it for wide range of application like facial care, body care and so on which make very fine foam which dispenser pump products can’t make.