If you can easily and simply separate empty bottles and sprays…
How do you dispose of empty glass bottle?
There are complications regarding the separation of sprayers in perfume glass bottles, which makes disposing of them difficult.
Do empty perfume bottles pile up in your home?
That’ s because you can’ t separate the sprayer from the bottle.
You can dispose of perfume as incombustible stuffs, but you have to dispose of formula first, so it is a hassle.
※Each countries and regions have different rules regarding disposal and separating rubbish methods.
There are complications regarding the separation of sprayers in perfume glass bottles, which makes disposing of them difficult.
Do empty perfume bottles pile up in your home?
That’ s because you can’ t separate the sprayer from the bottle.
You can dispose of perfume as incombustible stuffs, but you have to dispose of formula first, so it is a hassle.
※Each countries and regions have different rules regarding disposal and separating rubbish methods.
Because you can easily separate the spryer from the bottle, LUNEX is a uniquely sustainable perfume product.
Start with Mitani / ミタニではじめること
Sustainable by Mitani Valve.
持続可能な社会活動について私たちミタニとして出来る事をまずはカタチにしてみようと考えました。 Reject Reuse Recycle Reduceの4Rと言われるRecycle循環に乗せられるポンプや包装容器や、環境に優しいだけでなく人体に対しても健康被害が起こらないような材料選定。もちろん環境や人体に配慮しつつ機能性能は変わらず高品質な製品を提供しモノづくりで社会貢献できるようにミタニのサスティナブル対応製品をはじめます。
First of all, we thought about what we can do for sustainable social activities. With that in mind, we chose the materials which are not only environmentally friendly (i.e. follow the 4Rs like Reuse, Recycle, Reduce and Reject), but is also good for human health. We want to maintain the current quality and functionality of our products as we start producing sustainable products that contribute to society.
Sustainable by Mitani Valve.
持続可能な社会活動について私たちミタニとして出来る事をまずはカタチにしてみようと考えました。 Reject Reuse Recycle Reduceの4Rと言われるRecycle循環に乗せられるポンプや包装容器や、環境に優しいだけでなく人体に対しても健康被害が起こらないような材料選定。もちろん環境や人体に配慮しつつ機能性能は変わらず高品質な製品を提供しモノづくりで社会貢献できるようにミタニのサスティナブル対応製品をはじめます。
First of all, we thought about what we can do for sustainable social activities. With that in mind, we chose the materials which are not only environmentally friendly (i.e. follow the 4Rs like Reuse, Recycle, Reduce and Reject), but is also good for human health. We want to maintain the current quality and functionality of our products as we start producing sustainable products that contribute to society.

LUNEX 【ルネックス】の5つの柱
LUNEX’s 5 pillars.
- 分別して廃棄することが可能です/Snap on perfume sprayer system for easy disassembly
- 発がん性物質を含むPOM 材を使用していません/No POM material
- ゴム部品(フタレート) を使用していません/No NBR material
- シリコンオイルなどの添加物を使用していません/No silicon oil
- 内用液と金属部品が触れていないため安心してご使用できます/Perfume’ s formula doesn’ t come in contact
with AL components
1.スナップオンボトルから分別廃棄 / Snap on perfume sprayer system for easy disassembly
Allows packaging to be easily recyclable. Nowadays snap on or crimp on sprayers are mainly used for perfume sprayers. Sprayers should be disposed as unburnable material not together with the bottle. We developed new disassembly system to separate the sprayer and the bottle easily for efficient recycling. Hence, our new sprayer Lunex has introduced “recyclable” to the perfume industry.
2.POMフリー / No POM material
POM resin contains Formaldehyde and that might affect human health, so the demand for non-POM material has been getting more popular year by year. We review all components like pistons and insert nozzles which were usually made with POM due to functionality and replaced them to PP material with brand new design. Hence, Lunex is safe for human use.
3.NBRフリー / No NBR material
The compatibility of rubber components and fragrance is very sensitive and this frequently affects the selection of formula. Hence, we have chosen foamed gaskets and PE seals instead of NBR components. Lunex is available to use the formula which is difficult to use now maintaining quality and functionality level. Lunex maintains the same quality and functionality, but is useable with sensitive fragrance formulas. Furthermore, NBR contains Phthalate which have negative effects on reproductive and liver toxicity. Currently, it is a global standard to not use Phtalate. However, the standard for Phthalate levels is different in every country. Countries like South Korea are especially strict about it. The most common global standards is not enough and the customers in those countries avoid using products which contain Phthalate. Lunex solves this problem. Additionally, rubber is used for many applications, but can have many negative effects on the environment during mass production. As a sustainable product, Lunex doesn’t have any rubber components, avoiding the problem.
4.シリコンオイルフリー / No silicon oil
Perfume sprayers typically use silicon oil to lubricate engines. Our product doesn’t use silicon oil, so you can remove another concern that could affect your formula while making better perfumes and more sustainable products.
5.バルクが金属部品にコンタクトしない / Perfume’s formula doesn’t come in contact with AL components
Thinking of smells of metal components and impacts for formula, Lunex has outer spring system which the metal components set outside of engine.
Thanks to this, you can realize developing more various products using the formulas which you couldn’t use due to the impacts for the meatal components.
Thanks to this, you can realize developing more various products using the formulas which you couldn’t use due to the impacts for the meatal components.