Mitani Owned Media

Can you provide us with the same Mitani product that Company A uses for its Product C?

弊社には、一般販売を目的とした汎用製品と、お客様と特定の商品として共同で開発し、お約束(独占契約等)で専用とした製品があります。 A社様が発売されているC商品に採用されている弊社製品が、汎用製品であればいつでも可能です。この弊社製品がA社様の専用製品の場合には残念ながらご要望にはお応え出来ません。

We have standard products which can be sold to any customers, and special products which are jointly developed with a customer for specific use under an agreement (exclusive products). If Product C is one of our standard products, we can provide you with it any time you want. If Product C is an exclusive product for Company A, however, we cannot provide the same product. In this case, we can change , for example, the design or a function of an exclusive product and provide it to you for your own products. Please consult our sales representatives. We will suggest a solution.

Category: 一般(全般、会社内容等)について/General questions (general issues, company profile, and others)
Tag: product